Wednesday, April 15, 2009

fixes on the portrait

So the quotes i added were:

Were fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance.
Live, laugh, DANCE.
Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.
The most wasted of days is one without laughter.
Peace begins with laughter.

* I put these randomly throughout the portrait. I used one of my favorite colors for the text, it's a coral/pinkish color. and I went with the Lucinda Handwriting font.

I enhanced the eyes a little to make them come through the city a little more so there are only 2 bright colors in this composition. The city has a gentle magenta tint, but black and white, and is brightened up. The image of myself has a darker contrast up to the brighter city so that it pops out more.

I was going to add more to the composition but honestly it looked a little crowded. I like things to be simple but successful so that is what I tried to aim for. I'm not sure if other people will get it but I think the imagery and the use of color is simple, yet says something.

*ill post the final one soon!